Vasyl Barabash


I'm From Ukraine

  I’m from Ukraine.
I’m from blue sky and golden fields.                                             
I’m from blue sky and golden fields reflected in the Black Sea.
I’m from an ancient history and culture.
I’m from where the people sing songs like nightingales.
I’m from where the talented engineer George Kondratiuk designed a plan
for astronauts to fly to the Moon.
The astronauts of USA used his plan when they flew to the Moon.
I’m from where many people were in long hard fight for liberty.
I’m from where God made the soil rich dark and fertile.
I’m from where the former USSR made a nuclear catastrophe in Chernobyl.
I painted about it. 
I also painted about the catastrophe in New York on September 11, 2001.
I paint catastrophe and beauty.     
I paint what I see in the world.
I’m the artist Vasyl Barabash.

Spring 2008

  … I’m from where the many freedom – loving people are hard fighting for liberty…

  June 2014 New York City  
  Я з України  
  Я відтіля, де голубеньке небо і золоті поля.
Я відтіля, де голубе небо і золоті поля відблискуються у Чорному морі.
Я від древньої історії і культури України.
Я відтіля, де прекрасні люди співають пісні ніби найспівучіші солов’ї.
Я відтіля, де талановитий інженер Юрій Кондратюк винайшов проект,
щоб космонавти змогли здійснити політ на Місяць.
Астронавти Сполучених Штатів Америки використали його креслення,
коли здійснювали політ на Місяць.
Я відтіля, де багато людей боролися за свободу мужньо і довго.
Я відтіля, кому Бог подарував найродючіший чорнозем.
Я відтіля, де бувший СРСР зробив смертоносну катастрофу в Чорнобилі.
Я малював про це.
Я малював також про катастрофу в Ню Йорку 11 вересня 2001.
Я відображав катастрофи і красу.
Я відображаю те що я бачу у світі.
Я художник Василь Барабаш.

(Мій переклад з англійського)

Березень 2012

  My Life in New York  
  My name is Vasiliy Barabash. I came to NYC January 02, 2000 after I moved from Long Island. I came to Long Island May 24, 1996. When I first came to NYC I remember two beautiful buildings World Trade Center. When I lived on Long Island, I sometimes came into New York City.
On September 11, 2001 I was in the City, on 42nd Street with my friend.
        I like our great City. I have many friends, my church, my students at the art studio, I like to paint my paintings. I can study English in Public Libraries. I came to NYC because here I have better possibilities for life, and for my arts.
        NYC has changed me. Living in the U.S. has helped me to better know and study English, to understand many different people and help them. NYC is a symbol of liberty and that is way there are many different people here. 
        My best NYC memories are the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, MOMA, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I remember my first visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, on May 16, 2003. I saw many exhibitions of artwork from all over the world, but I wanted most of all to see the museum’s collection of European paintings. I was very excited to see the beautiful paintings of the great masters. I looked so much and so long that my eyes got tired.
        I saw the beautiful bodies of “Venus and Adonis” by Titian.
 I saw “Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer” by Rembrandt. He painted in dark colors but with the highest ideals, he painted with light strokes using many colors. He painted some self-portraits throughout his life. He painted his first wife “Flora.” She was beautiful but very young she went to God. Gustave Courbet painted “Woman with a Parrot.” This painting shows a naked woman reclining in space with a parrot on her hand. “Dancers Practicing at the Bar” by Edgar Degas is typical of this master. He often painted dancers using pastels of many colors.
I saw “Apples and a Pot of Primroses” by Paul Cezanne. I will always remember paintings by Cezanne and Claude Monet. I like “Le Grenovillere.” Monet was an impressionist painter. He did many versions of water and reflections.
        At the museum, I saw, “Ia Orana Maria.” (Hail Mary) by Paul Gauguin. When Gaugin first journeyed to Tahiti, he painted women in nature. The Tahitian woman Maria was clothed in a red cotton fabric fastened at the breast. Her son sits on her left shoulder. Their heads are circled with halos to show that they are holy.
        Finally I recognized paintings by one of my favorite painters, Vincent Van Gogh. Sometimes he painted self-portraits, and sometimes he painted other people. I saw his “Self-portrait with a Straw Hat,” “Madame Ginoux (L’Arlesienne)” and “Cypresses.” Van Gogh painted his paintings with light and expression. I’m interested in his life and his paintings. He spent a short time serving as a pastor of a church and he painted the lives of poor people. Those paintings were dark. Then he moved to Paris, France to be with his brother, Leo. Now his paintings were light. After Paris, he moved to a small country town Arless. Van Gogh usually put his paints on very thick. He painted so fast. Sometimes he was hungry and so angry and upset. Vincent loved some women but they misunderstood his love. He cut his ear because a woman didn’t respond to his love. Van Gogh loved art and art loved him, but only one of his paintings was bought while he was alive. Vincent shot himself. After only 37 years he went to God. Now his paintings are very expensive. The paintings of Van Gogh are in many museums of the world.
        All art inspires me and helps me paint my own paintings. The museum made me think of my church. Since I have been in NYC, our church building has changed. The façade of our church building on 11th Street near Third Avenue is in dire need of repair and would benefit from a mosaic decoration. I am worried that our church cannot afford a new mosaic decoration.
        I’m seeing and analyzing the art of masters. I love that. After seeing all those paintings of Van Gogh, Monet, Cesanne, Degas, and Gaugin I was excited, amazed, and thankful to the wonderful museum and all the people who had collected the artwork and showed it to all the people in a world. I would like to say thank you very much to everyone at the Metropolitan Museum of the Art.

Spring 2008

  It Was a Beautiful Day  
  He had a summer’s practice as a student of the Art College.
He painted a river in a forest. It was a hot day but in the forest it was warm.
He was alone in that wild place of at leas he thought so.
Some girls arose and came to him. They liked to swim in that place. The girls undressed, swam, had fun and got a suntan. They finished swimming and left,
but one girl returned to him. She looked at his painting. She was a student at the institute as were the other girls. They worked on a field one month.
Today was their last day working.
The girl undressed and came into river.                                           
    “Gould you draw me too? Please.”
    “You are beautiful and you have a perfect body.”
She changed her pose, twisted her shoulders, and laughed, when he started to draw.
 She was an athlete, a runner.
    “Show me a pose, please.”
He came into the river… Suddenly she splattered water on him…
He splashed her… They splashed and played like children…
Their lips and bodies came together…
She had much energy flowing in her body.
Then he drew her beautiful body, standing in the clean, fresh water. 
Afterwards, they wallowed on the native grasses and flowers.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing…
    “We are as in EDEN now and my name is EVA!!!”

Spring 2008


  Був чудовий день  
  Як студент художнього училища він мав літню практику. Він писав олійними фарбами річку в лісі. День був жаркий, але в лісі було приємно тепло. Він думав що був одинокий в цьому дикому місці, але декілька дівчат з’явилися і прийшли до нього. Вони любили купатися тут. Дівчата розділися, купалися, весело сміялися, жартували та ніжилися під сонячним промінням. Вони закінчили купатися і пішли, але одна дівчина вернулася до нього. Вона роздивлялась його живопис. Дівчата були студентами інституту і відробляли літню практику в полі. Сьогодні був останній день їхньої праці.
         Дівчина розділась і увійшла в річку.
         “Можеш намалювати і мене в річці? Будь ласка.”
         “Ти красива дівчина і маєш чудову будову тіла.”
         “Я спортсменка. Бігаю на короткі дистанції.”
         Вона часто змінювала пози, показуючи свою красу, як моделька, весело сміялася і жартувала, коли він починав її малювати.
         “Покажи мені позу. Будь ласка.”
         Він зайшов у річку…
         Несподівано вона хлюпнула на нього водою… Він також плеснув на неї...
         Вони обливалися водою… сміялися… гралися, немов діти…
         Їхні тіла і губи з’єдналися в палкому цілунку…
         Вона мала чудову енергію в своєму чарівному тілі…
         Після цього він малював її прекрасне тіло в чистій, прозорій воді.
         Потім вони валялися по густій траві і в польових різнобарвних квітах.
         Сонце світило, пташки співали… і вони кохалися…
         “Ми знаходимось тепер в РАЮ і моє ім’я… ЄВА!!!”

(Мій переклад з англійської)

Березень 2012


  What Is Better Than Ice Cream?  
  I like New York in summer, when people eat ice cream, and the sun is powerfully hot.
One summer day, I see a woman buy five different kinds of ice cream. She places all the ice cream on a table. One ice cream is placed above the others because she likes it better than the others. She begins to eat an ice cream covered with chocolate. The woman has a huge tongue. She licks a bar of ice cream. Her tongue is dark from the chocolate. The delicious taste of the ice cream makes her tongue happy. The woman screws up her eyes and then begins to purr like a pussy cat. The woman enjoys it very much. She opens her eyes.
       Suddenly a squirrel jumps from a tree. The squirrel is attracted to the nuts in the ice cream and it sits on the table and begins to eat the nuts. The woman doesn’t open her dark mouth; she doesn’t cry. She leaves the ice cream covered with chocolate on the table. She wants to get her ice cream with nuts! But the squirrel jumps on a branch of the tree, with her ice cream with nuts in its mouth!
       The woman returns to her ice cream on the table. Some doves peck the chocolate ice cream puddles on the ground. Oh, she likes the chocolate very much! But the sun likes ice cream and the black raisins covered with dark chocolate. The sun makes this ice cream like a coffee with milk. This liquid is running on the table and dripping on the ground. The woman’s tears are dripping on the ground, too. Many bees, ants and tiny insects are eating ice cream, too.
I see a man is looking at the woman and understanding what has happened. He says to her, “I’m sorry, lady.”
       Her huge eyes and bewildered face begin to smile. The woman is beautiful when she is smiling. The woman isn’t greedy but she loves the ice cream very much. Suddenly the woman gives the man a bar of ice cream with strawberries. “Thank you, lady, very much.”
She has only the ice cream with cherries and chocolate left. She likes it very much.
       They are smiling.
       “Are you alone here?”
       “Yes, I’m single.”
       “Let’s go to the park together.”
       They are very happy!
       Is the love better than the ice cream?

Winter 2008-2009

   When I Look Out My Window  
  When I look out my window I see many different trees. The trees have many colorful leaves: green, gold, orange, yellow, brown and other colors because it is Fall in Manhattan. It is very interesting when the leaves are falling. I sit down near the window when I paint or draw my pictures. The day’s light helps me to select the colors of the paints.
        I like Autumn but I remember one summer. It was a Sunday and I was looking out at the roof of the building across from mine. I see three people on that roof, two men and a woman. Maybe the young man and woman are husband and wife. The older man looks like he may be the father of the young woman. They have beautiful bodies. The woman’s body is a little heavy but looks beautiful and charming. She reads a book and sometimes drinks water. The husband sits with a computer and sometimes he drinks a beer. The older man lies on a small carpet and suntans. Sometimes they converse and laugh together. The sun is shining and gives off beautiful warmth. They are happy. The older man goes out but leaves the carpet. The husband shows the wife something on the computer and they laugh happily. The husband kisses his wife and they are happy together.
       Then a young girl comes on the roof. She looks like the sister of the other woman. She removes her dressing gown. She is as beautiful as the bud of a rose. Soon this bud will blossom into all her beauty. The husband remembers when his wife looked like the younger sister, some years ago. The computer is closed very quickly. He observes each part of the girl’s body. She looks like his first love, his young girl, his young wife. The girl turns her body to the sun and does not pay attention to these glances. The man has palpitations of the heart, but hearing his wife’s voice is like ice water freezing his. The wife stops reading her book. She observes the event, which has excited her husband. She says: “Let’s go take a shower together. You are too hot and your body is too red. I’m afraid you may get sunstroke or a heart attack.” They go out.
       The girl stays on the roof. She loves the solitude. She loves the sun and the sun loves her. She has a miraculous tan. When the sun gets too hot the girl automatically begins to drink from the bottle her sister has left on the roof. It is not water, it is beer! The girl then lies on her belly and removes her bra. The light strip across her back begins to tan. She turns on her back. The sun gives warmth to the bright strip on her breast. Her two charming rosebuds are free to the sun for the first time. What a charming vision.
      A strange man is coming down from the roof of a higher building. He is on her roof already! The girl is semi-nude, a child of nature. There is beauty is this world.
      The man is half-dressed. He creeps closer to the girl, nearer and nearer. He freezes unexpectedly. The father of the child appears suddenly. The strange man clambers up over the fire escape and disappears. The father grasps for his heart. His daughter opens her eyes and she smiles. The father smiles back, happy for his good fortune.  

January 2009  


  Where Is India?  
  When Columbus landed in America he met some people and he named them Indians. Christopher thought that this land was India. But the people did not know English or other European languages. Only one native man agreed to show Columbus a place where people lived in unity with the pale faces. Christopher was very much surprised. He saw a mountain with steep rock. There were stone houses near the rock. The buildings were encircled with fences made from stones in the form of a labyrinth. The river blocked the way to a natural fortress. There was only one bridge. The settlers weren’t seen. Columbus came to the bridge with his troops. Part of the bridge was drawn up on the other side. Three men appeared suddenly. They had athletic physiques, light brown hair and a different type of moustache. Columbus spoke to them in Spanish. One man spoke to him. Only Christopher can go with them, the rest must wait for him here. They lowered part of the bridge and helped him to cross. They conducted Columbus through the labyrinth-fence.
        The man told Christopher: Our people knew when your ships arrived here. We have allowed one person to conduct you here.
        Columbus asks the men: "Who are you?"
        – We are Cossacks from Ukraine.
        The man told the following story: Cossacks are free warriors who protect our people from our enemies. The older Cossacks taught the younger soldierly skills. They were on an island in the big river Dniper. Suddenly Tatars attacked some settlements in Ukraine. They robbed the friendly people and captured them to sell in the slave auctions of Kafa. A group of the Cossacks boarded their own boats for a battle. They overtook the Tatars ships in the Black Sea at night. The Tatars, taking advantage of a great amount of luck, appeared to win the battle. Suddenly the Cossacks attacked on a later ship. It was a hard, cruel and fast battle. The ship stopped. Many of our people were in that ship. Some of Cossacks occupied that ship and went the other way
because a storm blew up in the Black Sea. We attached our boats to that ship which helped the ship to stay afloat. We went through the Aegean Sea to Mediterranean Sea to Morocco. We left some of the people in different ports. We divided all wealth and valuables equally. We wanted to go to Portugal. But a terrible storm carried us out into the Atlantic Ocean. The hurricane tore to pieces a sail on the ship. We used our some boats “Seagulls” as submarines. That saved us. Enormous waves brought us to this coast after more than one month at sea. The native people who met us very friendly and we developed good relation with them. We sailed our boats were down the river and found this beautiful place. We settled here. We used the wood from our ship to build houses. We repaired our boats and were able to use them.
       The Cossack then said to Columbus: “We have cannons and other weapons for protection. We know you have arms but we hope to live on friendly terms with you.” The man took Christopher to church. He saw some white men and women, children of different ages, and little native women.
       The Hetman or chieftain of the Cossacks came forward and greeted Columbus: “Dear Amigo! I mer (am the chief) of all my people. I mer all the buildings. I mer icons (Americons) in our church. My son is here, my wife is here.”
      A pretty woman approached Columbus. Wow, he thinks, she walks like a duchess. The woman brought a golden cup filled with fermented honey on a silver tray. “Please”, she said,  “Will you drink a cool beverage?” Columbus replied: “After you first, my lady.” She has a taste. She has lips like two red rose buds. Christopher then drinks. The aromatic drink has filled his mouth and has refreshed his throat. As the cool divine nectar filled his body he admired the woman’s deep blue eyes. His eyes notice the unsuntanned décolleté. She seems unaware. He sees a small golden chain hanging between her breasts. She has a lovely body. They have much golden jewelry but she is the first jewel! The worldly-wise sailor wants to sink into her eyes as if into the deep waves of the ocean. He finished his drink of honey but he couldn’t remove his eyes from the beautiful woman. Columbus is very happy.
       “What is your name, my beauty?”
       “My name is A mere rika (a mere river).”
       “A mer icons, A mere rika, please tell me America, Where is India?”  

March 2009


  I Can Understand My Students When They Speak English  
  As the artist I founded the Art Studio for children of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America on October 4, 2002. I teach my students on a volunteer basis. I teach them to draw, to paint and composition using different materials. When the students drew or painted they spoke both Ukrainian and English. One of the directors of the Committee told them: “You must speak only Ukrainian because you may forget your native language.” I asked that person if the students could sometimes speak English because I want to study and to practice English. In our Ukrainian community mast people speak Ukrainian in churches, in banks, in museums and others institutions.
        I study English in Seward Park and Tompkins Square Center for Reading and Writing of the New York Public Library. I like to learn in this center. There are good conditions for training. Friendly, beautiful and clever teachers help us to improve our English. The teachers give me much practical advice, knowledge they have for the gradual study of English. I wrote my first English story in Spring 2008 and three of my stories were published in the center’s journal “New Leaves”. I have now written seven different stories in English. I use a computer in the center to perfect my knowledge of English grammar. The teachers are much help in helping me to achieve my milestone in learning English.
       My students and I wrote to the President of the United States: Dear President Barack Hussein Obama, God is blessing you and yours beautiful family! God is blessing the United States! Sincerely, the students of Art Studio and Vasyl Barabash, the artist.
       The children are developing their talents in the Art Studio. Since we began to study we have had several exhibitions of our artwork.
       The Ukrainian students are helping me to understand the American students when they draw together. I understand my students much better now when speak English. Thank you my teachers, Hilary, Terry, Neela and Ruth; thank you my students for my new milestone.

April 2009


  The Sun Lives in this Studio  
  The Art Studio of Vasyl Barabash works nearly seven years. More than fifty children learnt here to keep the brushes, to feel colors, to build the compositions and simply quite wise other look at the world for this period.       
     “It doesn’t signify, that everyone who step over the doorstep to our Art Studio could be born with palette in hands. Just the other way about, I want argument, that every child by a wish, perseverance and love for the world, which surrounds, his will be to become an artist, it’s necessary only to cultivate our talent and has the makings of an art.”- Vasyl Barabash speaks. Than make certain at volume it possible only to overlook works his foster – children, which the exhibit at a display now in Cultural Center of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which give a shelter that Art Studio.


The translation from newspaper “Nova Hazeta”, Ukrainian weekly, April 2, 2009,
New York.


  Maiden, will you sit down near me?
No, because you will kiss me.
Maiden, maybe…
No, because you will caress my breast.
Maiden, maybe…
No, because you will do something under my skirt.
Maiden, maybe…
Ouch! Why did you stop?
My wife looks at us!

March 2011
New York City


  Do You Want to Free Jesus or Barabbas?  
  It was a dangerous time when the Roman Empire occupied Israel. The Roman conquerors behaved like barbarians to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, particularly to the women.
       Two invaders pursued a girl. She yelled for help. The soldiers laughed brassily and surrounded the girl. One has pulled a silken coverlet from her face. Wow, she is very beautiful! An equestrian appeared suddenly. He dispersed the villains. The girl admired the young military officer. He offered to conduct her to her building. They liked one another after their acquaintance. The young people spoke very friendly: “I should like to know why people go in a desert, really only to listen to the prophet John on the Jordan River? I will protect your people with my one hundred warriors. We have been notified that the known highwayman Barabbas and his gang attack caravans in the valley between Efrat and Jerusalem. I will return with you to Jerusalem, and then I with my own warriors will hunt down the highwayman. The road there is too dangerous. The villain Barabbas is known throughout the whole region. He has planned to do the attempt on the life of the Roman vice regent last year but he could not do the deed. The bandits are sheltered up in the mountains on the shore of the Dead Sea. The Caesar from Rome sent the messenger to his vice regent. The messenger became a victim of those bandits. Pilate gives a military order to the young officer to protect the road between Erihon and Jerusalem. The officer received a notice that morning that bandits are located 4 miles from Jerusalem. They killed several guards and robbed the caravan passing in the night. The officer did not have the time to be in all different places of the elusive robbers. But he worries that soon they will not be caught and executed. The bandits distribute to the poor people a part of the stolen things and the people do not want to report the gang.
      The girl, her parents and friends went to hear the sermons of the prophet John with the guards several times. The sermons and a christening by water had a magical attractive power. The people of different countries came to the River Jordan after long journeys. Many people listened to the wise words of the Baptist. Suddenly John felt a second breath of energy on the back of his head. He turned around. The big energy came from a Person in a blinding white cloth. The Man came to riverside and said to John: “I must be baptized by you.” John spoke a trembling voice to this: “I…I must be christened by You!” Then John christened Jesus exactly as he baptized all people. The flaming outline of a dove appeared over the head of Jesus. A powerful voice thundered from the sky: “This is the my Son, My Beloved.” All the people and the warriors fell to the ground. The girl and officer lay beside each other.
      Jesus came out from the riverside and went into the desert returning 40 days hence. John cried to the people: “See! This Lamb of God takes the sins of the whole world on Himself!” The people fell flat to the legs of Jesus. John the Baptist went into the desert. Jesus stayed with the people.
     “Teacher, where do You live?” Andrew asked Jesus. “Come with Me and you will see” Jesus told Andrew and his brother Simon (Peter). They went with Jesus.
      Afterwards Jesus made many miracles in different cities. He forgave sins and cured lepers. Jesus exiled a cruel spirit and healed the blind and the paralyzed people. He brought the dead back to life. The glory of Jesus grew in different countries about his might. The glory about Him much alarmed the high priest, the Pharisees, scribes and Levites. They wrote and sent an order to all of Judea banishing those preachers of the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
      The Pharisee came to notify Pilate that the influence of Jesus will bring the people to rebellion and they will elect Jesus as King.
     “If Jesus raises an objection to the authorities of Caesar than I shall order Him arrested,” Pilate said to them. “But yesterday I ordered that young officer to come out against the band of Barabbas. We have been warned about the fearsome highwaymen. Barabbas positioned his bandits on top of all the ravines. The large caravan was expected from Damascus last night. Many soldiers were given to the officer to command against the bandits. Out valorous warriors surrounded the bandits. The fight lasted all night and into the morning. The warriors of that officer had the victory. I have given him the rank of Major in the Roman Legion. Barabbas has been captured and under reinforced guard sent to the capital. We will crucify him on a cross.”
       A period of trying times enveloped Christianity. Jesus was betrayed by Judas and was arrested. The aggressive crowd accompanied Him to the High Priest and then to the King, Herod. “Are You the Nazarene called Christ?” asked Herod, “I have heard of your miracles. Your might show them to me and I can release You.” Herod sees an one-armed man in the crowd. When Barabbas’ gang attacked the caravan one of the bandits cut off his arm with a sword. “You make a miracle and give him back his arm!” But Jesus kept quiet. He looked pensive to Herod.
      “He has no power! He passes Himself off as the Son of God! He alarms the people by his false science!” the High Priest yelled to the Pharisees.
       They placed on the head of Jesus a crown made from blackthorn. “The King needs a mace!” the one –armed man cried and gave Jesus a thin reed. The out of control crowd accompanied Jesus to Pilate. “Are You the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked. “My kingdom is not of this world” Jesus answered. Pilate responded: “I have found no fault in Him. But you have a custom during Passover that one prisoner is set free. Do you want to free the King of Judea?” The crowd yelled: “We have no King but Caesar!” 
      “Do you want me to free Jesus Barabbas or Jesus called the Christ?” “Set Barabbas free!” “What should I do with Jesus called the Christ?” “Nail Him to a cross!” They all started shouting, “Nail Him to a cross!” Pilate took some water, washed his hands in front of the crowd and said: “I’m not responsible for spilling the blood of that Man.” “His blood is on us and His blood will be on our children!” The exultant crowd yelled and followed Jesus to Golgotha. Two highwaymen from band of Barabbas were ordered to be crucified with Jesus Christ. One bandit had a strong body and much energy. He struck one of the guards but the soldiers overpowered him and nailed him to a cross. He cursed his enemy and the crowd. The other bandit was young and handsome, the son of a rich merchant of Jerusalem. He had squandered all the wealth of his father on sprees and with maidens. Then he joined the band of Barabbas. When the executioners came to him he told them: ”I will die without fear as I lived without fear.” He lay down on the cross and stretched out his hands. He moaned as the nails were hammered through him.
      Jesus remained silent. He allowed his enemies to overpower Him before all the people. The first highwayman continued to curse Pilate, the Roman invaders and the crowd who thirsted for their death. He yelled to Christ, “Are You not the Messiah? Save Yourself and us!” The other rebuked him; “Do you not fear God? We suffer as bandits but He has done nothing wrong.” The friend answered him and shouted to the huge crowd; “I do not suffer but I fear for the crowd that has betrayed God. They would
rather crucify their Savior in order to free our enemy!” The young man said to Jesus; “Remember me, Jesus, when You come as King.” Jesus said to him: “I tell you this: today you will be in Paradise with Me.” At that moment the crowd shouted his name and Barabbas looked at Jesus Christ. Their eyes met. One glance and several words from Jesus Christ changed the life of the highwayman. Jesus enabled this person to feel powerful space-time power of reason incomprehensible to the people of this planet.
The crowd greeted the highwayman but he did not respond. He ran away and hid himself in the mountains. Some of his former gang joined him there. Afterwards they the bodies of the executed and buried them.
      Andrew was a disciple of Christ. He performed a requiem and prayed for the dead. Barabbas and his sworn brothers decided to divide all their wealth among the families of those who had died in battle with them or were executed. Some of the wealth was given to the poor people. The apostle Andrew told the people that Jesus had risen from the dead and came among his disciples. Christ said to them: “Peace be with you. The Father sent Me and now I send you.” He breathed on them and said: “Take the Holy Spirit. The sins which you forgive shall be forgiven, those you do not, shall not.” The apostles began to preach in other languages. The apostle Andrew was sent to evangelize in other countries. The former highwaymen equipped good strong sailing ship. They followed Andrew along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and other countries, cities and settlements. The Black Sea met their ship with a storm but then it was easy down wind. The Apostle Andrew preached in different ports. Their ship continued to sail up the big river Dniper. They hit the coast at the foot of the mountains. Andrew came ashore and said to his followers: ”Do you see these mountains? There will shine the plenty of God. Here will be a great city (Kyiv is now the capital of Ukraine) and many churches will be built to the glory of God.” They climbed the mountain and the apostle blessed that mountain. They erected a cross and all prayed to God. The people of the settlement repeated all the prayers, too. Barabbas was now the disciple of Andrew. He told the crowd: “I saw Jesus Christ. He changed my fate and He is my Savior. I came to believe in Jesus Christ. He had only seconds but told me: “You will return to your native land. You will be patient. You will pray and you will be blessed.” I have made my way to my native land. I will make a cavern in this mountain. I will pray to our Savior. My name is Opanas Barabash.”
       The Apostle Andrew blessed his disciple and said they must continue on their way as shown them by God. His friends asked Barabash to play goodbye to them on his violin. They loved to listen to him play the violin. His violin sang and cried, roared with laugher and sobbed. The former highwaymen could not restrain their own tears. The ship sailed away but the sounds of the melody followed until it soared skyward on the wind and then plummeted into the deep waves of the powerful river Dniper. The inhabitants of the settlement listened to the beautiful music.                                   
       He saw her immediately. The woman stood apart from all. She was beautiful, proud, aloof. But her deep navy blue eyes were filled with tears. The charming melody had filled her bosom and affected her heart to the depths of her soul. His burning eyes drew her to him. Her beautiful legs took her to him. She wondered at her boldness. Her scarlet lips spoke by themselves: “I prayed to God often, too. I have been with no man, I have no sin. But you will forgive my sins which will be between us. The angel predicted this in my dreams. We shall have two sons and a daughter.” He kissed her trembling lips and said: “I knew this in Jerusalem when our Savior spoke to me.”

July 26, 2009


  Mark!!! Mark Didn’t Wake Up…  
  When I leaved on Long Island I was an enthusiastic supporter of the Herbalife International Company. Svetlana, my niece, was a supervisor and I was a distributor that company. I did not have good success in that business but it was useful for my health. Time passed and I did other things.  I visited Svetlana sometimes. One day she had a guest, a journalist. She asked me:
      “Please, Vasiliy tell me. How did Herbalife help you?”
      “Herbalife products helped me a lot. I lost excess weight, improved my health, I felt younger. Now I keep my shape. I am so thankful to a wonderful company.”
      “You attended training seminars. What was you impression?”
      “Widely known on all continents, President and Founder of  Herbalife International Mark Hughes held training sessions of superior quality. In New York, in Philadelphia, among thousands of people I felt how Mark’s lively energy was passing on to me. When he was signing an autograph for me I looked deep into his eyes. What did I see? An artist sees a little bit more. Soon I had a dream where I composed a painting. I was surprised but painted it: As if from the other world mother congratulates her son for the great success of his company, Herbalife. I made a frame for this painting in a deep blue color. I mailed pictures of the painting to my friends, company supervisors and distributors. On the other side of the painting I wrote: “Mark Hughes, Congratulations! A present from Vasiliy Barabash, Distributor, Herbalife, 02. 20. 2000.” This was the 20th anniversary of Herbalife International. I sent the painting to Mark.”
      “You couldn’t attend the celebration of 20th Anniversary of Herbalife in Los Angeles, correct?”
      “Yes. Mark sent me a letter, dated March 13, 2000. Here is what he wrote:
“Dear Vasiliy, Thank you so much for the wonderful portrait you painted for me.
I especially like the way you have represented my mother, I also liked the different ways you found to incorporate the Herbalife logo into the picture. It is a very nice gift and I sincerely appreciate that you put so much thought into it. I hope your year is blessed with good health,happiness and lots of success with your Herbalife distributorship! Sincerely, Mark Hughes, President and Founder C.E.O. Herbalife International.””
      “Very interesting. What happened next?”
      “On May 23, 2000 I received a phone call from Boston from the supervisor Tatyana: “Vasiliy, I called to tell you how we felt about your portrait, a photo of which you sent us. Then, and especially now, we were deeply impressed by your prediction of the son and mother reunion. And that mournful frame… We don’t want to believe it, but the soul of our loving Mark left to meet his mother’s… On Sunday, May 22, 2000, he didn’t wake up… We were shocked… Being 44 years he passed all his energy to the people… He did a lot for each of us… We will hold a moment of  silence, remembering him…”
      “It is very sad… I’m sharing this enormous loss with everybody else, as well… And what happened to the painting?”
      “I received a letter on August 24, 2000: “Dear Vasiliy, I am writing to let you know that the lovely painting of Mark Hughes that you sent to him as a gift is now part of his estate. Since this was your gift to him and it was a possession of his, I thought perhaps you would like it returned to you as a remembrance of him. If you would like it returned, please let us know and we will arrange to have it send to you. My best wishes for your good health and prosperity with Herbalife. Sincerely, Samantha Faulkner, Executive Vice-President. President’s Office Herbalife International.”
      ”What was your answer?”
      “Dear Samantha, I would like you to return it to me. Thank you very much. The painting of Mark Hughes is a remembrance of him. I would like to have it. I hope your year is blessed with good health and lots of success with Herbalife. Sincerely, Vasiliy Barabash, Artist.”
      “Did you get the painting?” 
      “I sincerely appreciate what Samantha did. She returned my work “Mark, Congratulations!” 40 x 20 (inch), oil on canvas. It is an historical, unique and valuable painting to me. I kept the valuable letters he sent me, especially the one with authentic signature of Mark Hughes.”
      “The image of Mark is very precious for every member of Herbalife International. The painting can decorate an office, exhibition, collector’s gallery… Mystic painting… years later it will only be more valuable… Thanks for the interview.”

August 29, 2009



My Daughter

                             My daughter is a                
                                             Beautiful woman now,                        
                           She looks like her mother did                      
                                             When her mother was a young girl.                        
                           She has a rosebud face as                        
                                             Beautiful as an angel.
                           My daughter is very intelligent,                        
                                             A docent at the University.                         
                           Her eyes radiate love when                         
                                             She sees her son as                        
                           He draws from nature while                          
                                             Her students work.                        
                           The students love the young docent as                        
                                             She encourages them to do their best.
                           She is a very talented artist.                         
                                             When people see her exhibitions                        
                           Of amazing graphic arts they ask:                          
                                             Is the artist’s name Tania?
October 29, 2009 New York


  Trick or…  
  A girl arrived from Ukraine but her aunt did not meet her at the airport. With great difficulty she found the street where her aunt lived and began searching for her aunt’s house. The girl is dragging her heavy bag and is exhausted from the long trip.
       Suddenly nightmare masks are pursuing her. The girl seems to have walked into a street filled with sorcerers, wizards, devils, witches, wolves, alligators and other terrifying creatures. She feels threatened by the scary masks. She tries to walk around them but they surround her. The small girl stands on the sidewalk in amazement. The large people in masks shout unintelligible gibberish. Their roars deafen her, knocking on her head. One enormous mask lifts up with long slaws and approaches too closely. The masked stranger shouts: “Trick or Treat!” Other masks resound: “Trick or Treat!” What does she do? The girl took the mask off the first person and sees a young man. He smiles and points to his cheek near his lips and says: “Kiss! Kiss!” What does that mean? In Ukraine that is how to talk to a cat: kis-s-s. The girl wants to slap the young man for the insult. But with the reaction of a ballplayer he avoids the slap and takes her tender hand. Suddenly he embraces her and kisses her lips. She doesn’t have the energy to resist. He kisses nicely and she answers very nicely too. The other people laughed happily and counted loudly: “One, two, three … twenty – one! Victory! The girl and the stranger looked at each other. Are they a beautiful pair?  Yes, very beautiful. Destiny!

 November 2009   


  The Golden Girl on the Green Grass  
  Kyiv is beautiful and an ancient capital of Ukraine. Many art students practice their craft during the summer in that picturesque city. A group of students finished drawing a man seated at a table and walked to their favorite places. One student likes to paint high buildings reflected in the Rusana River. That river flows into the powerful river Dniper. The student was on the riverside which was covered with grass and brush. He likes to be alone. He paints an “etude”. The weather was hot and he sometimes swims in the river. Because of the heat the paint spreads well. He likes how the golden buildings shine and reflect in the blue river.
        Suddenly the student sees a reflection in the middle of the river. That is not a sunspot! A body is a floating but the head is in the water and the hands are not moving. The tide brings the body nearer and nearer. What does the student do? He stops painting and swims to the body. It is a naked woman! The student pushes the body to the riverside and drags her ashore. He puts her on the grass and sees that she is a young woman, nearly a girl. He finds and an emergency telephone and calls for an ambulance.
       He returns to her about 10 minutes later. The sun is fondling her beautiful body. A zephyr reanimates her streaming hair. The student draws the beautiful girl. One hand covers her breast and the second covers her ladies’ triangle, the golden body on the green grass.

January 2010


  My Destiny  


My destiny was to fly
To the United States
But when can Ukraine sing
Her songs of freedom?
The songs break forth
Across cracked walls
And our voices fly
Over fractured winds.
Spring comes in full flower
To Ukraine still without us,
Families sing songs like
Nightingales, again, without us.
Oh! Ukraine, our beloved land
Remake your laws
So your people will be free
To live better lives.



February 2010.  New York.


Translation from my Ukrainian since 1996


  * * *  


Закинула мене доля
B Сполучені Штати
Нашу пісню українську
Ніде заспівати (тоненькі стіни)
...Не втримались... заспівали!
- Полопались стіни...
- І по Штатах летять пісні,
Ламаючи крила...
Чи без нас знову розквітне
Весна на Україні?
Чи без нас будуть співати
Пісні солов’їнні?
Україно, краю милий,  
Засій... закон – жито...
Щоб привільно працювалось,
Й крaще було б жити.

  1996 Нью Йорк


                                              The wonderful news flew
                                            To New York State:
                                            Tania and Valery united
                                            Their hearts in love.
                                                      Their hearts in love!
                                            Happy news! But I… cry?
                                            My tears dripping… and shower?
                                            And uncontrollable sobbing
                                            My bosom torn to pieces.
                                                      My unstoppable tears.
                                            If I had the wings of an eagle
                                            I could fly to Ukraine,
                                            But in my wings is
                                            Grief – the weight too heave.
                                                      My wings too heave!
                                            The wind blows to Ukraine   
                                            And it thunders as a hurricane.
                                            My soul flies over the seas…
                                            May I not be too late.
                                                      My soul flies.
                                            A white wedding…
                                            People singing congratulations: “Bitter!”
                                            Newlyweds kiss in happiness
                                            And mothers are crying happily.
                                                      Newlyweds are kissing.
                                            I gather my tears…
                                            I pour the drops into my glass.
                                            I drink all my tears
                                            Until none remain.
                                                     I drink all my bitter tears.

  Written by me, in Ukrainian, on September 13, 1997, the day of my daughter’s wedding. Translated by me in February 2010


  I Give Advice  
       In April my niece Svetlana asked me to meet a woman at JFK Airport. I got to the terminal on schedule. I wrote the woman’s name in big letters on a sign and held it up in front of the crowd. No one answered. I asked a dispatcher at the terminal to please call her name over the microphone very loudly and I would wait outside his office. She did nod show up. Then Svetlana called me. The woman had called her from a phone booth outside the terminal. She described herself, her clothes and her luggage. I saw a woman who fit the description and showed her my sign. She looked at it and at me. “Is your name Larisa?” I asked her in a mix of Russian and Ukrainian. “Yes’” she answered, “My name is Larisa! I speak only Russian and little Ukrainian. I want to go to my grandparents in Brooklyn, in Brighton Beach. ” She smiles. I helped her to find her grandparents and gave her some very valuable advice:
     “Larisa, you will be able to study English at the Public Library. I thank very much my teachers at the Seward Park and Tompkins Square Centers for Reading and Writing for my English.”

May 2010 


  He Flew
(To my painting)
                                   Her glance went off into the distance
                                                                  To a spaceport…
                                 Her love began to fly…
                                                 Three, Two, One, - Blast Off!
                                 Her eyes were abrim with teardrops
                                 Her heart began to stop
                                                                      It was like
                                 Their first night,
                                                       The night of newlyweds…
                                 Her bud was integrity.
                                 The proboscis of a bumble-bee
                                                        Began to sip the nectar
                                 From her rosebud
                                                     Very sensitive
                                                             Very delicate… Very…
                                 Suddenly the home phone was ringing!
                                                    His cell phone was ringing!
                                 Her cell phone was ringing!
                                 All the phones were ringing
                                                                         Too loudly!!!
                                 Too loudly Ding-Dong!!!
                                             – A reserve spaceman is needed
                                At the spaceport at once!
                                                                       Very Urgently?
                                  My love?
                                               My flower?

May 2010
  You Did Not Come To Me
(To my painting)
                                       She was a young beautiful woman
                                  She was lonesome in the enormous city.
                             She went to her apartment late every evening.
                            She relaxed sometimes and looked out a window.
                                               The woman was bored.
                              She saw an artist painting in the next building.
                                   His window was opposite her window.
                                          Their glances met sometimes.
                                                  Her eyes were sad.
                        One night she did not close the curtain in the bathroom.
                     Two glasses and a bottle of red wine stood on a tea - table.
               She kissed the cup and sipped a little wine and turned on some music.
                                            The woman undressed very,
                                                       Very slowly,
                                            To the rhythm of the music.
                                                  She turned around.
                                             Her dance was fascinating.
                                    The enchantress turned on the shower.
                   Under the warm water she caressed herself, her charming body.
                                                   She was very brave!
         Her hands and her hot glances were an invitation to drink a love potion with…
                                              He flew to her so very fast.
                                         The man was the artist’s neighbor.
                                            Their windows were alongside.
                              Thank you very much young model for my painting.

July 2010 New York


  The Life Continued
(To my painting)
                 The spaceman observed the Moon in a special autonomic armchair.
                                                       He worried.
                                 The spaceman listened a news flash.
               The Earth made a special reportage from a maternity hospital.
                         The woman in labor couldn’t primiparous. (to birth)
                           He flew faster to the space station on the Moon.
               The spaceman looked from afar big screen of a retransmission.
                           The “bumble – bee” recognized her beautiful bud.
                                   The sensitive flower was pregnant!
                                  The flower couldn’t open some times!
                                  The “bumble – bee” shout very loudly:
                                                          – Three,
                                                          – Two,
                                                          – One  
                                                          – Push out!!!
                                                          – My love, push out!
                                                          – The flower opened!
                                                          – One!
                                                          – Twins!!!
                                          The twins made duet very noise!
                                               They cried for the universe! 
                                                     The life continued!


  July 2010 New York


  I was Born  
            The villages of the Poltava region always had glorious harvests because of its fertile soil and generous people. June 1937 was warm in Ukraine. The apple, cherry and pear trees were in flower and the aroma of the blossoms filled everyone with beautiful health. Kyrylo and Tetiana liked to sleep in their garden at night. A full moon sent silver rays and nightingales sang a miraculous melody about love. Kyrylo loved his charming wife. As they kissed they looked like doves. He loved every corpuscle in her beautiful body. They felt the pulsating energy for generating new life. The miraculous moment came! “My honey… my beloved…we will have our son! God has listened to our prayers.” They rejoiced. They kissed. Love struck and they were blessed.
          Afterwards the nightingales went silent. A dark cloud closed over the moon.
A mood of anxiety came over the land. Ukraine was in danger. The Soviet communists had occupied the land. Under Joseph Stalin many millions of the people of Ukraine were killed by famine during 1932-1933. The peasantry was opposed to this regime-genocide. Stalin’s troops arrested and killed outright many thousands of Ukrainian people sent to hard labor in Siberia.
          Resently a talented teacher was arrested in the village school. Kyrylo exclaimed that that teacher could not have been a spy. Kyrylo taught children practical skills at that same school. He was descended from Cossacks and was a handyman. Tetiana was from landed family and was a shirt maker.
          Suddenly at night, on September 7, 1937, communist soldiers burst into the home of the family Barabash. They ransacked the premises. Tetiana sat on a chair, her hands protecting her unborn child. Kyrylo stood ready to protect his family. One soldier saw Tetiana’s sewing machine. “Look! Here is a sewing machine, a Singer! He is a foreign diversionist!” The intruders pointed their weapons at Kyrylo. “You are under arrest, come outside! Out!” The young mother and her daughter embraced our father. He tenderly caressed the pregnant belly of his beautiful wife. I felt the warm energy of my father. “My loves, do not cry… I’m not guilty… I will return.” “No” shouted the soldier, “you will be sent to Siberia, you can be killed. You are an enemy of the Soviet people. You will go to Siberia. Out!” Kyrylo was sentenced to 10years imprisonment at hard labor as an antisocial agitator.
         September 7, 1937 my father, Kyrylo Barabash, was arrested by the NKVD.
         February 2, 1938 Kyrylo was executed in the Lochim Camp Gulag. Komi ASSR, of Russia SSR. 
         March 8, 1938 I was born. 
         Autumn 1941 my mother, Tetiana Barabash, dies.
         Tetiana did not want to die. She was only 38. The evil occupiers had forced my delicate mother to wash linen in the cold, autumn waters of the river. After several days she caught a deadly cold. She lay on her bed. She was slim as a girl and beautiful as an angel. We listened to her intermittent speech:
         “My beloved children, stay together. Our family dream was to live happily…but the regime of Stalin has destroyed our Ukraine. My beloved daughter, farewell… My beloved son, farewell.” Her energy petered out. We were sobbing.
Suddenly she sat up and smiled – “My beloved husband, I will soon be with you.” 

  September 2010


  The Bumblebee’s Chant  
  I am a beautiful bumblebee!
I’m a master of my garden in flower.
I’ve a longer proboscis.
It reaches to the core of the flower.
And it brings great joy.
You know that very well.
You, a wasp, are beauty.
You have a narrow waistline,
Larger eyes and longer lashes.
You buzz to me:
You bold bumblebee, love me!!
What do you see in this bee?
Oh, wasp, you have a beautiful body,
But you have an irritating character!
That bee is herself a beauty.
She loves to work.
This bee will have many children.
She smells of yum-yum honey.
You see the people in my garden.
They have different talents.
There is a woman from a library.
She has organized English classes.
There is a leader of a painting class.
She waves her hands
But the people do not fly!
They do only a meditation.
The gardeners are our servants.
They care for our flowers.
The people hear my buzz-z-z
They think this music is a contrabass!
I know English better than that artist,
But I like this maestro.
I sit for his paintings.
I will be very famous!
Yes! I saw a beautiful picture
Because my portrait is
On the beautiful flower
With my charming bee!
My best girl!
My honeybee with young!

9-20-2010 New York  


My Wandering Mind

         When I listen to the symphonic music of the classical composers my heart becomes filled with exceptional emotion. The divine melodies go deep into my soul.
       The beauty of the music spreads throughout my entire body. Sometimes I want to shed a few tears and other times I want to create new paintings about the different stories. That beautiful music and my new paintings are in my mind at all times. Sometimes I only wanted to relax and listen to that celestial music. With my eyes closed my fantasies continued. The pictures came clearer and larger in my head.
I didn’t listen to the teacher; I didn’t listen to the new English vocabulary. My mind was flying too high and far ahead … far gone. Sometimes my thoughts don’t help me in my English classes because my fantasy is within me, but my teacher was speaking to me in English at the time. I looked at my tutor and my head played along but my mind kept wandering into the beautiful music and my dreams of new paintings.

December 2010  
New York City

  My Mosaic in Manhattan  
  I, as an artist, like to draw, to paint, and to make posters, monumental-decorative and other different kinds of art. In Ukraine, in 1980, I created a monumental-decorative panel “Manpower”, (26ft. x 82ft) on an outside wall of a College using technology “sgraffito”. In 1981 I created another panel “Work Woman” (48ft. x 32ft.) in “sgraffito” on an outside wall of a factory. I made sgraffito using bas relief with four layers of colored cement (also known as stucco). I also made a more colorful but smaller mosaic inside. But I prefer to make mosaics outside. Voluntary I created several mosaic projects for the façade of my church in Manhattan. The mosaic project “Savior” is liked by the priests and the men of our church. But another mosaic project “The Protection of Virgin Mary” is liked by more women than men. Mosaics are made from small pieces of different colored glass. The mosaic mesmerizes people especially when the sun shines and illuminates the glass. The rays of the sun help to reveal the symphony of the colors of the entire creation as well as each piece of glass. People stop and stare at the beauty of the composition. The small pieces of glass look like jewels, like brilliant diamonds. The glance of the spectator moves to the beautiful body of the young woman. “The Protection Virgin Mary” has an aura of sanctity and spiritual charm. As one looks up to her huge eyes the halo shines around the head of the Virgin and the spectator cannot lower his glance. His soul is filled with prayer. He does not feel on land. The prayer flies on high, to the Savior. Life there is very beautiful.I hope my mosaic will be done.

April 2010 NYC

  ..Was It A Nightmare?  
            It was a nightmare! The hag continued to persecute him. His car was at its ultimate speed but how did she appear behind him? He jumped out of the car but the witch rushed after him. He clattered down and hared away into the cornfield. He jumped like a rabbit and found shelter among the thicket of wild grass. The man held his breath but his heart was beating very loudly. A dark silhouette glided between the rows of corn. Her eyes glittered in the darkness. The tigress went past him. He was saved! But her nostrils caught the fume of a faint-hearted male. She jumped on his back fast as lightening. The hag caught him around the neck and began to strangle him. He was senseless… 
         He awoke from his stupor. Perfume and soft music titillated him. He lay on a soft bed with only a monastic cowl covering his naked body. His hands and feet were fastened to a four-poster as if on a cross. Will his tormentor torture him? Oh, nightmare! He has seen the woman before the great mirrors. She unbraids a tress.   A second braid drooped down back like a black snake. The woman was admiring her beautiful nakedness. He looked at her beauty through broadly opened eyes. She turned to him and smiled fondly. The man lowered his eyes and felt a mysterious and pervasive energy. She tenderly removed the monk’s cowl from his body. Her lips kept silent but her voice was audible from above:
       Our bodies aren’t sinful. God created our bodies for love and to continue life. Very many young monks carry crosses but you forgot a precept of Jesus Christ: ”Each man and woman will be in love.” God pronounced: “Man and woman will fall in love and reproduce themselves.” Your family may end with you and mine with me. We must continue our humankind ourselves.
        Her rosy lips came near to his. Her taut bosom pressed down on his nipples. They enjoyed a chaste kiss. Their glances met. “When I saw those beautiful eyes I remembered our first virginal kiss back in childhood. That same chaste nursery love shone in her eyes.”
        Her glance asked: Do you love me? – Yes. I love you very much. – Do you want to continue our family? – Yes!
        Suddenly he was on her, sharply pressing her down. He took her virginity and he felt the pain.
        He awoke. His monastic cowl hanged on a nail.
        I must find my love!

February 2011 New York
  The Beauty in White  
            All the television sets, radios and computers were at high voltage.
                                        All worked…
          People looked and listened to the fiery speech of the President.
                                        People looked…
          Senators, congressmen, clever people applauded him rapturously.
                                        They applauded…
          He glanced often to a beauty with black brows.
                                        He looked at beauty…
          Their glances met gently and he saw the love in her eyes.
                                        Love in her eyes…
          She was proud of her sweetheart, illuminated by the spirit of his glory.
                                        She was proud…
          Her charming body raised itself slightly when all stood to applaud.
                                        Her charming body…
          She presented her amorous heart as a gentle flower.
                                        Her amorous heart…
          Who was the beauty with black eyes in glaring white?
                                        Who was the beauty…
          She was the miraculous wife of the President of the most majestic country.
                                        She is the First Lady. Yes!

For Michelle Obama
February 14, 2011

  My First Time in the USA  
  I remember my first time in America. Jolly weather was in New York City. When I arrived from Ukraine to J.F.K. International Airport in 1996 I was very happmiling and my mind and heart were overjoyed. My niece Svetlana and her husband met me and were very friendly. They showed me beautiful New York from their car. We went to see the highest buildings the Word Trade Center, was very beautiful. Then they showed me the Statue of Liberty beyond on Liberty Island in N.Y. Bay. The family of my niece lived on Long Island in a very beautiful place overlooking the sea. Their nine years old daughter Diana met us very happily at their home. I had my first splendiferous day in this majestic country.

March 2011
New York City   
  One Lesson  

I remember one of my English lessons at the Seward Park Center for Reading and Writing. Our teacher, Neela, gave apples to each student. She asked: “What is the
Smell of the apples?” The answers were varied and interesting. Each added their perceptionsy s, nuance scents of the apples. Beautiful descriptions were made about the apples and they smelled marvelous. I was in line and my mind searched foe words among my small English vocabulary. I added that Big Apple smelled like smoke. I remember that smoke smell from September 11, 2001. I was with friends and we saw the terror through the windows of a high building and later, on television. Two beautiful buildings, like two angels of light, perished in flame and dark poisonous smoke. Terrorists inflicted a sudden, mean-spirited hit in the most beautiful place of our beloved city, The Big Apple. I created my painting, ”September 11, 2001.” Terrorists killed 2,751 people in the World Trade Center. We will remember that always.

March 2011
New York 

  September 11, 2001
(To My Painting)
  September 10, 2001. A joyful wedding
in the beautiful highest building.
Two highest buildings were in New York City.
The relatives and friends congratulated
the newlyweds very happily.
They had a wonderful night.
 All asked the newlyweds: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
The newlyweds kissed very much.
All were very joyful.
The newlyweds spent their first night
in a fabulous room on the hundredth floor.
They were double the first night.
The young kissed very hotly and
were heads over heels in love all night.
The newlyweds were in love.
They got some sleep in the morning.
A big bang woke them suddenly…
The building was in flames
and dark poisonous smoke…
   An intruder-aircraft of terrorists
blasted the beautiful building!
It was iniquitous!!!
The people didn’t want to be in flames!
The newlyweds wanted to live!
The young wanted to love!
The newlyweds were overtaken by terror!
The husband broke a window!
The wife and husband embraced one another…
They kissed…
The young angels flew
from the hundredth floor…
But they didn’t fall to the ground!
The newlyweds are in my painting.
They flew…
My painting “September 11, 2001”
Terrorists killed 2,751 people
in the World Trade Center!
 We will remember that always.
We will remember the beautiful people as angels.
We love New York City.
We will save our beautiful country.
God bless America! 

04/ 2011 NYC

  Talents for the United States  

My niece Svetlana, her mother Olga, best friend Donald and I were at the Procession of Graduates at Providence College May 14-15, 2011. The huge sports arena had about one thousand graduates, academics, principals and professors and more than five thousand parents, friends of the students and guests.
        How can we find our Diana among the thousand graduates?
      The President of Providence College greeted all the people. Large video screens showed the commencement procession. The presentation of candidates for Bachelor of Arts degrees began solemnly. The graduates received their degrees with great exhilaration. Then we heard: “Member of Liberal Arts Honor Program, Diana Klakotskaia, Magna Cum Laude!” We were joyful. The huge screens showed the face of our beautiful Diana. Her eyes radiated much joy. My great-niece Diana will be working on her Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration in cognition and neuroscience at the University of Missouri at Columbia. Her snow- white smile framed her rose red lips. She thanked the College and especially her mother, Mama Sveta. “Thank you so much, I’m very happy!” Tears of joy were in her mother’s eyes.
       The young graduates greeted all on the screens, looking like stars.
God bless America! The talents of the graduates will benefit our beautiful country.
God bless Diana! Good luck all! 

June 2011 NYC

  You Must Live  

My sister Halyna was 17 but I was only 5. We lived together in the small village of Yordanivka, Ukraine where Halyna worked all day in the collective farm fields leaving me without care. One day I was walking through a meadow with children of different ages. They surrounded a horse. A teenager gave me a twig. He smiled and said: “You must hit the horse from behind.” I pitied the horse so I only gave him an easy touch. The horse kicked out and his hoof hit my head near my left eye.
      My sister was in a field off in the distance. A girl ran to her for dear life and cried: “The horse killed your brother!”
      Halyna came running. She saw I was immobile and my head was covered in blood. She picked me up and carried me 7 ½ miles to the district hospital in Dykanka. My sister, the skillful doctors and our God saved my life. I thank them very much.
      I listened to the voice above: “Your father and mother perished too early but you must live.  

July 2011 NYC

  Was my Soul on the Moon?
(To my painting)

Ukraine was in ruins after the Second World War. The Soviet troops retreated first and blasted and burned the harvest in the fields so as to not leave any food for the enemy. Afterwards, the fascist armies retreated and destroyed everything else to keep it from their enemies. They did not think of the people of Ukraine.
       They burned our beautiful house which our father had built in 1937.
My older sister and I were orphans. She was 19 and I was 7 years old. Soon I was sent to an orphanage in the village Warwarivka. There were more than a hundred other orphans living there. We were badly dressed and always hungry.   Our usual rations were a little pumpernickel bread and different soups.
I remember one day we received white bread and American cheese in a round pack. That was holiday lunch for us.
      But I remembered much more, the wet snow and the very cold springtime. Our footwear was very poor, my feet were often wet and near frozen. I was often sick. Once I had a strong fever and terrible chills, I was raving and it seemed that I was lying on the hard and hot sands of the planet Mars. Afterwards my soul sped through cold space to the moon. It seemed that
I drew something on the moon’s surface and then I saw the American astronauts. They were planting the striped flag. That mirage passed and once again my body defeated its horrible disease. I thanked our God and my guardian angel.
      I did not draw earlier but after that terrible illness I began to draw and have done so since childhood. Now I am an artist. I founded the Art Studio for Children in New York City on October 4, 2002 and there the children develop their own talents.

September 2011

  She Was Not Pleased  

He had a friend in the children’s community. They had sketchbooks and pencils. They competed to see who was quicker and could more beautifully copy the drawings from picture books. One girl liked to dance. He drew her as a ballerina and wrote a poem about her. When she saw the picture she said in an injured voice: “I’m more beautiful.” Other children said to her: “You look like a picture.”
       After several years they arrived from different villages and cities for the anniversary of the orphanage. The former residents rejoiced and laughed. They sang songs and danced. The beautiful young women tenderly snuggled with the young men.
       She called him into the garden. The moon was shining. She showed him that picture he had drawn of her. She said excitedly: “I have loved you since our childhood.” She kissed him tenderly yet passionately. The garden bloomed. The nightingales sang about love. All of nature murmured: “You love him. You love her.”

 October 2011

  What Do You See?  
  Our tutor Ruth was in Vietnam on her last vacation. She gave each student a photograph and asked: “What do you see?” “What do you hear?” Here is my answer:
       I see in the picture variations of a genteel color of gray. The photographer caught a unique moment on a nice day. I see a small country but a huge river and beautiful mountains. A floating homestead was on the river. The impression was amazing. I heard the silence. But if I listen very hard I could hear the weak cry of a baby, two children laughing and singing a song to their mother about love for their beautiful country.

October 2011

  The Protection of the Virgin Mary
(To My Mosaic in Manhattan)

  God helped me create my dream-mosaic on the façade of our Church.  Many people look at this sacred mystery, the Protection of the Virgin Mary.  The people’s glances lift up, looking to the harmonic image of the young Mary.  Her beautiful head dominates the center of the mosaic.  Her magic eyes always look back at the faithful observer.  Her lips, like petals of a rose, murmur her prayer to God:  O Savior, save Your People.”  The Protectress radiates the energy of the mind, hopefulness, love, and faith to all people.  The purity of the prayer for protection continues in the images of the Savior and the Mother of God, concentrating the most powerful energy.  This life giving energy connects the prayers of the past and the present.  The mosaic depicts the faithful, the church ministers who can recognize themselves here and the Cossack-fighters who protected the freedom of Ukraine.  The Cossacks loved the image of the Virgin Mary as the Protectress of Ukraine, who guarded them.  The design directs the eyes upwards, raising the façade of All Saints Church up into the sky.  The bright color of the smalts, the mosaic glass, dominates and enhances the most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious ever Virgin Mary, the Power of All Saints.  Welcome to All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 206 East 11th Street, New York City.  God bless your dream in the beautiful United States.

January 2012

  I Wish Only…  
                                       I wish only…
                                     I wish to kiss a snowflake…
                                     I wish to kiss a second snowflake…
                                                  Snowflakes are falling on delicious…
                                                                          … Glamorous lips of a girl…
                                     I wish…
                            O my! My rosebud, you kiss very ardently…
                                                                          ...your kisses are mellifluous…
                                     O my! My charmer…
                                                  …We are under snow…
  May 2012

  Я Бажав Тільки...  
                                       Я бажаю тільки...
                                     Я бажаю поцілувати сніжинку...
                                     Я бажаю поцілувати другу сніжинку...
                                                  Сніжинки опадають на приємні...
                                                                          ...Чаруючі губи дівчини...
                                     Я бажаю...
                            Боже мій! Мій бутончик троянди, твої цілунки медові...
                                                                          ...Цілуночки жагучі! ...
                            ...Боже мій! Моя чарівниця...
                                                              ...Ми під снігом! ...
  Травень 2012




  My Favorite Holiday  
  One of my favorite holidays is Independence Day. Independence Day is every July 4. The friendly people smile and are very happy. Children and adults celebrate this holiday together. The flags of the USA on all the buildings show pride for the beautiful country.
     I visited the Statue of Liberty that heavenly holiday. The colossal monument is of a beautiful image of woman—symbol of America. The glorious image of woman represents love for freedom of thought. The wondrous head elevated a little proudly and lovely. All her character directed at the free sky. Her great eyes look through centuries. This woman holds a tablet of law inscribed “July 4, 1776”. This date is the Independence Day of the USA. She holds high in her right hand a torch, which shines of freedom to all countries of the World. The statue is beautiful because the model for the Statue of Liberty was Jeanne- Emile Baheux de Puysieus. The young sculptor, Auguste Bartholdi created the statue, inspired by this lovely young Frenchwoman when he visited New York from France. They had fallen in love and married during the trip.
     The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. I had made some paintings about the Statue of Liberty: “Ashore New York”, “To Freedom”, “When Shall We Receive Our Washington?” This last painting was inspired by a poem written by the famous Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko. Liberty’s flame was shining for this poet and the Ukrainian people. The Ukrainian people always love to fight and continue to fight for the independence of Ukraine.
     The best thing about this holiday is that after I visited the Statue of Liberty and museum, I knew more about the history of the United States and the many famous people who fought for liberty in this wonderful country. The people of 20th century remember and are thankful for this friendly United States, which has been beneficial to so many downtrodden peoples in obtaining their liberty and independence.

November 2012
New York City



  His Favorite Holiday  
  Independence Day is every July 4th. Children and adults celebrate this holiday together. The flags of the USA on all the buildings show pride for the beautiful country. The colossal monument of the Statue of Liberty is the beautiful symbol of America. The glorious image of woman represents love for freedom of thought. The wondrous head elevated a little proudly and lovely. Her great eyes look through centuries. This woman holds a tablet of law inscribed “July 4, 1776”. This date is the Independence Day of the USA. She holds high in her right hand a torch, which shines of freedom to all countries of the World. The statue is beautiful because the model for the Statue of Liberty was Jeanne—Emile Baheux de Puysieus. The young sculptor, Auguste Bartholdi created the statue, inspired by this lovely young Frenchwoman when he visited New York from France. They had fallen in love and married during the trip. The Statue of Liberty became a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States.
     Many people were in the Statue of Liberty’s museum that day. They took pictures and met the other visitors. He explored the model of the Statue of Liberty. A younger woman asked him: “Can you make a snapshot of me near the model?” He responded: “You look like the image of the statue…” She said: “I’m the actress. We will make a movie about Auguste Bartholdi. I have the role as Emile. Auguste met Emile here suddenly as I have met you… Our God sent you to me… I must to be in this aura of love between Auguste and Emile… You must help me, please…“ “Okay, You and I can become good friends… You are beautiful… I have fallen in love with your charming lips and the largeness of your black eyes, my young Emile…” “Thank you, my love, my Auguste.” She kisses him gently… She takes his hand…Their fingers interlock… She shines… She snuggles to him …She kisses him long and passionately near the torch.
     “The Statue of Liberty was finished on October 25, 1886. Auguste and Emile were early visitors and climbed up to the torch. They looked beautiful with the golden autumn colors around them. The sun appeared on far horizon. The charming newlyweds were very happy! They kissed gently… The sun illuminated Auguste and Emile falling in love.”
     The actress and the artist kissed as Emile and Auguste near the torch.

November 2012
New York City  



  The Dove Flew In
(To my painting “A Kiss?”)  
  I’m sitting in the garden with my easle in front of me. I have long been fascinated by the thinking process of the one who kissed Him professing Love and Faith. How do I depict in the portrait the state of his soul? What was the turmoil within? Did the thirty pieces of silver blind him, confuse him? How does one justify betrayal? But He knew what kind of kiss was awaiting Him.
     — Father, what shall I do?
     — Accept the suffering for the salvation of their souls…
     My thoughts drift to my favorite prayer: “Our Father…” The grass and flowers fill the garden with fragrance… Ripe pears fall from the tree.
     My colorful oil paints I throw onto the canvas. Gradually, in the brilliant glow, a face of a young man emerges. Every artist has his own image of Jesus.
     Suddenly, a dove lands nearby. It walks upon the soft grass. I held my breath—where is my cat? The cat sleeps. The dove comes closer. Stops to my left and looks at me with its right eye. I watch it. It flies up and lands on the palette in front of my canvas. With my left hand I covered my paints and the dove is not smeared. It then flew and rested on left rail of my chair. It looks past me at the Image… then into my eyes. Does the dove understand me? It took off leaving me unsettled. Lord, forgive me, the sinner. I don’t know how to paint Your Image.  

Long Island, NY  



  My Special Place in New York City  
  One day I came into the city from where I was living in Long Island. Why did I stop suddenly? I saw a small church very shabby between bigger buildings. Two windows were like eyes depressed, directed to the sky, and the darkened door like an open mouth crying a prayer to the Almighty Lord: “Oh, my God, help me!” A pain intruded in my heart and my eyes were filled with tears of compassion. I prayed in the church for God to rescue the building, but also to exalt the spiritual importance of the activity. I prayed: “Our Protector, I will voluntarily help the church.” I decided to create a mosaic on the front façade of the churh. 
     I created many designs that were not yet seen in the world of art. His Eminence Antony blessed me and spoke to me: “When you finish this beautiful mosaic that day will be a holiday for the church and our community.” The Pastor, Parish Board President and many Christians supported this project, but the Parish Board told me year after year that: “We don’t have any more money.” I was in prayer all the time. I dared to paint free hand with acrylic paints an actual size 25, 5 ft. x 11, 6 ft. design of the mosaic on the façade of the church. I prayed to God all the time. Some images I saw in a dream and I heard a voice: “The image must be such.” I created the images by using paints on a big size of a paper under the mosaic. I met with a first-hand acquaintance of the Parish Board during this time. But the board gave me money only for colored glass, called smalt, cement and other materials. I consented to some conditions. I accepted the artist-helper to execute the big mosaic. The work was difficult in the beginning . A consistent place wasn’t  available for working and winter was cold. Some people advised me not to work without money, but I heard the church’s calls for help. I prayed that no one would interfere with me. First I created eyes, head and a delicate image of a young beautiful  Virgin. I used a small bit of smalts.  The shining images of the Savior and the infant Jesus Christ with his Mother appeared afterward. Dark dynamic silhouettes of Christians praying in past centuries were in contrast with light figures and contemporary characters. These images illustrate their beautiful souls. Some people recognize themselves in the composition. A younger woman is pregnant, her husband beside her. They have a handsome son now. The Virgin Mary has sent Saint energy of happiness to them and newlyweds and  other people. The Virgin Mary is beautiful, eternally alive and new.
     My nieces Svitlana and Olena, arrived on a beautiful sunny, Sunday, on June 10, 2O12. They rejoiced with me whenHis Eminence Metropolitan Antony accompanied the priests and parishioners and many others, to a dedication and blessing of the mosaic “The Protection of the Virgin Mary” on the façade of our church. Tatyana, my daughter has told me at a Skype from Ukraine: “We saw your mosaic on the internet vb@barabashart.com and I showed your website to my students of the University. The spiritual mosaic shines whole. I looked into the great miraculous eyes of the Virgin Mary and my eyes had many tears of joy. She radiates curative energy for all people who will come to God to pray. You used your talent, your optimism, your prayers to God and your stubborn work for this special place near “All Saints Church” in New York City. I am proud of my father and I love you.”

March 8, 2013
New York City 
  Music Sounded…  
  I left All Saints Church…
Suddenly I heard charming music
From the Festival Ukrainian Arts
Near Saint George Church…
Very charming melody…
I listened to the music…
Beautiful girl played on the violin…
Lovely melody rose skyward
And every heart felt it
Of the listeners her violin…
Very miraculous melody…
We listened to the music…
Driving rain poured suddenly!
Melody of the violin connected
With thunders and flashes
Of lightning!
Very powerful music!
We listened to the music…
It was pouring and the wind threatened
To disrupt the clothes of the violinist!
The wind and the rain loved to admire
The charming young girl
And the wind and the rain loved to hear the beautiful melody…
But we listened to the music..
Nature subsided immediately
But the violin sounded only…
While strings were bursting very suddenly!
The people were fascinated…
Very fantastic music…
All listened to the music…
The spectators of the festival applauded…
The people of New York applauded rapturously…
Young girl was one among the talents…
Only her chord sounded…
And we listened to the charming music…
  October 2013
New York City

  “The Orange Grove” Rosanne Keller  
  “The Orange Grove” told me about the difficult life of migrant workers.
Jose did not want his daughter to marry with a migrant.
But Rosa and Manuel had fallen in love!
The father was too angry but the mother asked about that:
“You can’t stop love!”
What solved the problem?
Manuel had explained to Jose about his love for Rosa.
She had told about her difficult life
that Manuel loves and is proud of his profitable job.
Manuel told Jose that Rosa loves and respects her father…
The father was very stubborn…
He smiles at Rosa and says in a proud voice:
“Let’s celebrate! We are going to have a wedding!”
Their great love and their understanding have triumphed.
  August 2013
New York City

  We were in the Restaurant  
  I visited my niece Svetlana and her daughter Diana on Sunday on Long Island. We were in Sawa Sushi Syosset Japanese Restaurant. The restaurant is big but it’s divided. We ate foods from different sea products and salads with fresh vegetables. I like seafood and different vegetables and fruits. We ordered different dishes of seafood and tasted salmon steak, lobster, sushi, shrimp with vegetables. We drank green tea. The restaurant there is good. The seafood was tasty. The music was not loud. We spent time together very well.  
  October 30, 2013
New York City

  Bon Appetite!  
  I like to eat vegetables, fruits as well as fish with rice and milk products. Sometimes I prepare different soups from vegetables that are in the refrigerator. I prepare different salads, hard – boiled eggs, cottage cheese with sour cream and different yum-yum. Sometimes I drink green tea with honey or black coffee with milk or hot chocolate. Sometimes I eat in Ukrainian restaurant. There are many different Ukrainian dishes. But I remember my sister Halyna, when she invited me to her home. She prepared amazing borsch. First, she cooked fresh chicken, which had pecked grains ten minutes before. Afterwards, she placed already cut red beets, potatoes, beans, carrots, cabbage and other species in hot bouillon. The borsch was cooked for about thirty minutes. The borsch was placed on the plate with sour cream, dill and a piece of chicken. An aromatic scent spread and agitated the appetite. Bon appetite! All the people in her house sat down at the festive table. Bon appetite! The borsch was very delicious. Afterwards, tasty pies (pancakes) with pot cheese were given to the guests with sour cream. We drank the aromatic, very tasty compote “Uzvar”. The compote was boiled with apples, pears, apricots, cherries and little honey. It was very appetizing. Halyna knew how beautifully to prepare the most delicious food.  
  November 2013
New York City

  I’m in New York City  
  I flew from the Ukraine to the USA on May 24, 1996. The airplane flew over New York. The city was huge and very beautiful! I saw Manhattan as an enormous ship, which was fastened in the ocean. The glorious girl—statue of the Liberty met us. The family of my niece Svetlana met me very warmly in Long Island.

The Statue of Liberty didn’t know how she changed my life…

I prayed to God in St. Michael’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church. I decided to remain in the United States and obtained Identification Card ID: 606–895–308 issued 11/14/96.

I could get SS # together in addition to ID. I made a mistake. I used temporary SS #.

I asked the attorney Rev. Robert Vitaglione’s office to help me. I have used IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number 986–96–9216 since 1997 to now. Rev. Robert came with me to court repeatedly. The last court date was September 27, 2000. The Immigration Judge said to me: “Good luck, Vasily!” The attorney had written on my behalf an appeal due at 10/27/00. The appeal stated: “Follow up on the Status of Labor Certificate—must pursue vigorously!!!” But, the “US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, notice of Findings. 8/22/2001 to Vasily Barabash, Painter of St. Michael’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and to Rt. Rev. Serhij stated: “If the rebuttal is not mailed by certified mail on or before September 26, 2001, this Notice of Findings automatically becomes the final decision of the Secretary denying labor certification.”

St. Michael’s U.O. Church, Rt. Rev. Serhij K. Pastukhiv answered the US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, on May 20, 2002. Re: P2000-ny- 02443737. “Vasily Barabash, Icon Painter. Attention: Delores Dehaan, Certifying Officer. “Dear Officer Dehaan, Due to my severe long-term illness I have received your denial of the above-referenced application (dated August 22, 2001) very late…”

The attorney Rev. Robert told me that it was necessary to begin all over again. Rt. Rev. Serhij and Rev. Robert didn’t know how they had changed my life…

I moved to an address in New York City. I mailed my new address to everybody on January 2, 2002. I came to NYC because here I would have better possibilities for life, and for my art. I’m an artist and I was a member of the Artists’ Union of Ukraine. I have more than one hundred different paintings. I founded the Art Studio for children of the UCCA in October 4, 2002. I teach my students on a volunteer basis. I teach them to draw, to paint and how to create compositions using different materials. I study English at Seward Park Center for Reading and Writing in the New York Public Library. Friendly, beautiful and clever teachers help us to improve my English. I wrote my first English language story in Spring 2008. I have written forty short stories in English. I wrote a poem “The Beauty in White,” to Michelle Obama, on February 14, 2011 and I also sent a book in which this poem, and the photo of my mosaic on the façade of our church. I received a packet from Michelle Obama with the photos of the beautiful family of the US President, and letters from the First Lady with warmest wishes for me and the students of Seward Park Center.

I voluntarily help our priest as a lector and I assist the priests at the altar and elsewhere; I serve as sexton and perform other duties in the church. I created “The Protection of the Virgin Mary,” the mosaic on the façade of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church, on November 2011, 206 at East 11th Street New York City 10003. My mosaic is like some decorative monuments other churches of New York City. I thank this fantastic city and the beautiful people in this wonderful country of the United States. The people’ dreams come true here.
  March 2014
New York City

  The Celebration of the Harvest  
  The celebration of the harvest had its roots deep in history for many different folk. The holiday of the harvest is very interesting and the festival in New York is beautiful. This holiday is similar in the USA and in the Ukraine. The holiday of the harvest is conducted annually during the Sorochinsky’s Fair of Poltava region. Many countries present their various unique products at that fair. The fair exhibits enormous pumpkins, huge flavorful melons, watermelons and some unique vegetables, fruits, berries and new improved techniques. Very many people were interested. There are many krainian songs and foreign language records, dancing, different open competitions, especially about love songs. The boys and girls plan weddings after clearing the harvest. The girl can present a pumpkin to a boy if she doesn’t want to be married to him. Many newlyweds want to do the wedding rite together, once. All rejoiced, laughed, kissed and congratulated newlyweds. The people want happiness and prosperity for them and for their future children. The holiday lasts…  
  November 2013
New York City

  He Recycled Her Kiss…  
  The wedding dinner was very big. The guests complimented the newlyweds a lot. The guests ate many tasty foods, and they drank many different alcoholic drinks, and…

The newlyweds went in their sleeping room on the first night of marriage….

Many products remained after the solemn dinner and particularly many empty bottles… The young man delivered the bottles to a special recycling center. They must recycle the bottles to create flacons (vials) for perfume. They used …

Soon, this young man provided the newlyweds with a unique perfume and some red roses. They were very pleased…
But she kissed the young man on the cheek, only he stole a kiss on her lips.

She knew, they loved each other, but a fate took alter way.
  April 2014
New York City

  33… and 16 degrees Fahrenheit…  
  Gentle snowflakes fell on shining New York City. A light frost cheered the pedestrians, when I went to Penn Station. I looked through the windows of the train; the snowfall increased. I left the train and felt the freezing wind. My niece Svetlana met me. We were warm in her beautiful car. Visibility was bad. The snow and wind poured down on the road. We were going slowly, but the car stopped suddenly. The house of my niece was close. We left the car. The light from the windows of the house were hard to see. The snow, frost, wind mixed and did let us go to, but we got home with greater difficulty…

Diana, the daughter of Svetlana met us warmly. Her home had heat and comfort. She prepared a very delicious dinner. We drank a cup of hot chocolate and added a little cognac. We wished good health to one another, to our immediate family, and all our friends. The television showed that; it was 30 degrees Fahrenheit and that: it was a snowstorm. But in Kiev, in the Ukraine it was 16 degrees Fahrenheit…

The television showed: the bridegroom with the beautiful bride in all white raiment. They congratulated the students, girls, youths and adults. And, tomorrow they will continue to fight on the barricade of “Maidan” for independence of the Ukraine, independence like the USA…

It was Valentine’s Day… The fresh red rose in a vase stood on the table.
  April 2014
New York City

  Ой, Дівчата...  
  Ой, дівчата молоденькі та ранні, але такі розумні… що... навчилися читати об’яви в газетах і навіть... в інтернеті: «Багатющий жених з Америки шукає та бажає одружитися з українкою... незайманною дівчиною...»
— Незайманною?
Ой, що робити Наталцi? Бо вона вже... встигла притулятися з Миколою і з Максимом та з Микитою, а Кирило попробував — та не взяв!
Ой, лишенько, нарешті… знайшлася об’ява: «У Полтаві така техніка! Ой, а лікарі — великі майстри! Усі доктора! Все зроблять, аби тільки гроші хороші...»
— Зробили!!!
Прилетів жених багатий-багатий та ще й з самого Ню Йорку! Зустріли його, як рідного...
Батько й мама і пів села вечеряли добре, щоб добре увечеряти..., а він... він не пішов спати з нею...
З нею?!?
— Нехай моя докторша перевірить у неї оту... недоторканність...
Всі чекають... Жених ходить, хвилюється, нервує... нервує...
Вийшла докторша і мовить: — Просто диво... якесь диво невідоме науці! Недоторканність на місці, але красуня ця, недоторкана, має... вагітність!... Третій місяць!
Оніміли всі... Женишок шокований... вскочив... витріщив очі... Як це може бути?
Вона лежить на ліжечку голісінька-гола і коліна розтулила соромязливо...
— Подивися...
Великі очі волошкові прикрила довгими віями так, соромязливо... Посмішка соромязлива.. Між пурпуровими губками аж блищать білі-білі зуби...
— Ой, в українки білі зуби! Ой, а які красиві в неї груди! Ой-йой-йой... Ой!, а яка принада!
Ой, яка напруга зросла в його джінсах! Яка напруженість! Чи витримає отой зіпер?
— Лікарю, вийдіть, лікарю... скоріше! Я сам... я сам перевірю... тую цноту... уся моя буде! Це ж таке багатство!!!
Раптом двері розчинились і влетів Кирило, захеканий...
— Де?...Де... Де моя Наталка? Де вона?
— Та там... той... той американець хоче її... перевірити... її... цноту...
— Яку цноту? Я сам порушив її цноту три місяці тому!
Кирило увірвався в оті двері і швидко виносить... ні не голу, а покриту...
— Я... я... ледве - ледве встиг я, дякуючи Богу!... Прийдеться другий раз порушити... оту...
Це ж унікальна... така насолода... і наше кохання... і те, що в тобі... це щастя наше… наше багатство, кохана Наталочко!
  Червень 2013
New York

  Заклята феміністка  
          В їхньому селі нова новісінька новина, але... ...Знову настали літні військові навчання і невелика військова частина «окупувала» їхнє село. Рядові воїни, сержанти і старшини розташувалися в наметах, але для офіцерів домовилися на постій до декотрих господарів...
        Олена приїхала до ріднесеньких батьків на літні канікули. Мама і батько голубили і милувалися красою єдиної донечки та пригощали смачними стравами. Їм кортіло узнати про її судженого... Чи є він у неї і який він? Але вона розповідала про якихось феміністок. В їхньому інституті склався якийсь феміністичний рух. Дівчата почали спілкуватися з дівчатами і категорично не признавали хлопців...
        ...Раптом хтось постукав у двері і зайшов лейтенант. — «Цей військовий призначений до нас на постій, а це наша донечка приїхала на канікули з інституту...»
        Вона побачила в його очах якусь, ніби хижацьку, зацікавленість як у вовка перед ягнятком... Він жадібно вхопив її руку — «Лейтенант Медовий Іван, просто Іван...»
        — «Олена…» — стримано привіталася вона і швиденько висмикнула руку...
        Міцна в нього рука і якась незрозуміла сила в ньому, але я загартована феміністка. Він для мене ніхто... навіть ніщо... Я не буду звертати увагу на нього... ніякісінької уваги... Я дуже загартована, і як дівчата казали; «заклята феміністка».
        Іван пішов до своєї кімнати. Ріднесенькі жваво розмовляли про новини і в селі, і в місті, та і в інституті... — «Ми з батьком підемо на роботу вранці і той військовий піде в свою військову частину, а ти, донечко любесенька поспи, відпочинь від навчання. У нас тут тихесенько, гарнесенько... Доброї ніченьки, любесенька дитинко, засинай... спи, моя голубонько...» — мама гладила по голівці свою красуню...
        Вранці Оленка не чула коли мама, тато і той воїн пішли з хати... Вона любила поніжитися у м’якому ліжечку, ніби кішечка. Її молоде пречудове тіло любило волю, а легенька нічна сорочечка заважала повністю визволитися щоб... Якимсь забулим інстинктом вона відчула погляд на собі, але вона ще ніби спить... очі примружені... так... це він... він визвірився в мою принаду... це ж моя зброя... я ж феміністка... ой, як я буду сміятися над ним... я ще ніби сплю... ніби у сні вона почала змінювати чаруючі пози... ніжитися... розтуляти коліна...стуляти їх... повертатися на різні боки... вона гралася своїм тілом... пестила груди... гладила свій дівочий пухнастий трикутничок... Воїн не міг відвести свій погляд від такої чаруючої краси,а особливо, коли розводилися коліна і тоді розчинялися ніжно - рожеві пелюсточки цієї диво – квіточки, дівочої принади... Напруження воїна було несамовите... серце калатало... такого психологічного наступу він не знав... вона запаморочила йому голову... вона зробила бурелом в його душі... немовби якимось магнітом тягнуло його до цієї принади... він не може відірвати погляд від тих ніжно-рожевих губок, які розтуляються тимчасово і кличуть його... кличуть... Він скоро спломеніє... його напруження було тверде, аж бриніло... Ой, він скоро згорить і тоді буде посміховиськом... і вона...
        Вона відчула страшенну, незнанну біль,... аж блиснуло в очах!... Ой,... моя... ой,... моя ніжненька... дівоча плівочка!!! Мої тендітні пелюсточки пропускають... його!... його жагучу напруженість в серединку... моєї квіточки? Ой,... як боляче! Ой, як... боляче-приємно... йой, як солоденько... яка болюча і чаруюча насолода... Вона охопила його міцне тіло ніжними руками... Він жадібно цілував її тугі, тендітні губочки... і вони цілувалися... цілувалися... і цілуються вже 12 років разом... А діточок чудових дає їм наш любимий Боженька.
  Квітень 2014
New York City

  My Journey to New York  
  I flew from the Ukraine to the United States. I was worried but I calmed when I took my seat in the airplane. I flew to a new country and an unfamiliar world. Our airplane was flying high. I saw through an illuminator at the bottom down of vast ocean. A blue sky color mixed with a deep-green color of the ocean and added golden sparks of the Sun. It was an amazing beautiful sight. Suddenly the aircraft like fell in an air pocket but pilots leveled flight. My heart was beating faster but it calmed little by little. The dark clouds and lightning were ahead. The airplane got up above that danger and the plane continued flying. Soon I saw the two colossal skyscrapers of the World Trade Center. The airplane flew over New York. The city is great and fantastic. The emerald girl—“Statue of Liberty” illuminated the freedom for us. The Liberty didn’t know how she changed my life… We arrived to International Airport on May 24, 1996. Soon I saw my beautiful niece Svetlana and her husband. She was a young neat figure blonde with a sparkling smile like the Hollywood actress. They greeted me in a very friendly way. My mind and heart were overjoyed…  
  August 17, 2014
New York City

  Will My Lover Kiss That Lady?  
  The princess knew behind which door the tiger was crouching and behind which one stood the lady. Will the princess’ lover kiss that lady? The princess motioned to the right, in the opposite direction. Her lover gripped the door on the right and pulled it open. The huge tiger leaped out with his terrible fangs and claws ripping wildly! The prisoner was an excellent and brave hunter. He punched the tiger’s left eye powerfully with his fist. The tiger became extremely violent. The prisoner ran away but the tiger quickly overtook him. The huge tiger tore the man to pieces. But where was the prisoner’s salvation? It was in his mind. The hunter remembered a tactic of the mongoose in battle with a cobra. Suddenly, he jumped straight up in the air as high as he could go then came down almost across the tiger’s back. The prisoner snatched the tiger’s ears and pressed and twisted them very powerfully. He knew that all beasts are afraid to lose their ears. The tiger with the prisoner hightailed it straight to the throne of the king. How terrifying! The king jumped up and stood on his seat. The prisoner rode on the tiger around the arena. The right door was still open. The tiger galloped over into the doorway but the prisoner landed on the ground and closed the door. The young prisoner ran to the left door and opened it very fast. The beautiful young lady was waiting for the winner. The whole crowd exulted in the great victory of the newlyweds. The enamored newlywed couple were kissing!  
  September 2013
New York City

  Charles Lindbergh
by Terry Barber
  The book tells the story of a famous first-class pilot.

Charles Lindbergh was the first person who flew solo across the Atlantic from New York City to Paris. He returned to New York as a world-renowned pilot.

His father taught him several lessons. One lesson the boy learned was that he must depend on himself. He dreamt about flying a plane.

One day Charles got his wish. He spent about two thousand hours in the air. Then he hired people to build a plane for a long trip.

On the morning of May 20, 1927, Charles Lindbergh flew out of New York City. He made the solo flight across the ocean, which was very difficult and dangerous. Charles was risking his life. During the flight he heard and saw “phantoms.” It took him thirty-three and a half hours to reach Paris. Over one hundred thousand people waited for the pilot to land.

Lindbergh was a hero to the world when he returned to the United States. He used his fame well. Charles traveled to forty-eight states.

Lindbergh married Anne in May 1929. They had six children. Lindbergh’s fame was also a burden. One man took their son from his crib. The child’s body was found later. The police arrested a man for the murder.

I enjoyed this book. It tells the story of a boy who had dreams and how he had done a lot of amazing work to realize them. He trusted only himself and became a famous person.

I recommend this book to other students. More people should know about their own heroes.
  October 2013
New York City

  Homework Excuse Note  
  My neighbor in the next apartment was too noisy...
The girl played very touching melodies from 9: 57 p.m. to 4: 49 a.m.
Her violin played very, very gently, warmly, but I couldn’t concentrate on my English homework…
But she stopped playing alone recently.
Her violin played with his flute together! Their hearts in love filled my soul too much! They played surprisingly gently, but they kissed very loudly...! Too loudly…!
Allow me to sleep only five minutes… only… only…
Oh, my poor English.
  February 2016
New York City

  I came to New York, United States, from Luhansk, Ukraine. Ukraine is a country in Europe with a population of about 45.6 million.

Ukraine has a lot of history. The Ukrainian language originated in Ukraine. It is a country with many different people, religions and cultures. It has many large cities like Kyiv (capital), Kharkiv, Lviv, but also many small town and villages – some of which are very beautiful.

Ukraine is also famous for its people — including the writers Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and Lesia Ukrainka.

Petro Poroshenko is the president of Ukraine. He is very popular. Ukrainian people are very friendly.

But suddenly, in 2014, Russia’s President Putin’s terrorist army occupied the Crimean Peninsula, then the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces in eastern Ukraine.

They killed people,
destroyed cities,
and the industry of our country.

I love my beautiful Ukraine.
I love my family which suffers in the occupied city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.
  June 2015
New York City

  206 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
May 21, 2015
  Svetlana Klakotskaia
4 Brookville Rd.
Glen Head, NY 1154
  Dear Svetlana:

I would like to thank you for traveling with me to Washington, D.C. on the occasion of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. The Executive Board had requested the pleasure of my company at a commemorative luncheon reception on Wednesday, the Twentieth of May, 2015, at the United States Capitol Building Senate Visitors’ Center in Washington D.C. Thank you for showing me the many beautiful frescoes and friezes of American history by Constantino Brumidi, artist of the Capitol.
Thank you again for a beautiful time.

Your Uncle Vasyl

P.S. Thank you for showing me the Statue of Freedom which has been standing atop the U.S. Capitol dome since 1863. It was designed and sculpted by Thomas Crawford.

  We Stopped to Refuel the Tank  
  We stopped to refuel the tank. My niece Svetlana went but I stayed in the car.

A luxury car with an open top drove up. It was filled with a noisy company of teenagers. They came to a garbage can.

The girls were very cheerful. The plump teenager with a hair tuft dyed like a parrot gave each girl one hazelnut. One of the girls threw her hazelnut but two squirrels fought for it. Everyone laughed happily.

The plump teenager threw something into the garbage can. The squirrel jumped in then immediately jumped out. Her tail was burning.

All people watched with horror. Only the “parrot” laughed like a hippopotamus.

The poor squirrel flew round her tail. Suddenly she jumped on the head of the “parrot”. She dug her claws into his skin. The “parrot” roared like a buffalo: “Oh, it’s painful! Oh, it hurts!”

All were dumbfounded with horror in their eyes.

Gas stations were around. Svetlana grabbed a fire extinguisher and rapidly released the entire stream of foam on the squirrel and the “parrot”.

There were loud applauses for my niece!
  November 2015
New York City

  A Friendly Smile  
  United States President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greeted His Holiness Pope Francis upon his arrival at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. The First Lady welcomed Pope Francis after President Obama. Michelle met Francis with a very friendly smile. He was fascinated by her beauty. A Cambridge blue dress hugged her neat figure. He couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful body. Michelle is the true First Lady of an amazing country. Barack caught glance of Francis. Their glances met in a very charming manner. They understood each other. They laughed like best friends… They laughed uncontrollably…

Many people think that beauty facilitates good relations between nations.
  October 2015
New York City

  Wasted Time  
  Maria’s priority is to do English homework.
But Galina calls her very often:
- I see many different gorgeous dresses in one shop…
- I see wonderful hats in the next shop…
- I see many fashionable shoes in another one…
- Oh, I also see my classmate! She’s pregnant!
- I see…
- Dear Galina, wait one minute, wait, please.
I am studying English right now.
- Oh! My sweetheart studies English too! I visit him often.
He doesn’t do homework. We listen to very loud music.
- Dear Galina, do you know what “wasted time” is?
- Yes, I know. We had a rendezvous ─a tête-a-tête,
But his father came in… suddenly.
  March 2016
New York City

  206 E 11th Street. New York, NY 10003
June 21, 2016
  To a Beautiful Girl
I don’t know your address
  Dear Beauty,
I would like thank you for shopping with me in that huge department store. I spent a lot of time taking pictures of you shopping. You bought so much merchandise that I had to use my two credit cards to pay for it. Thank you for the credit cards. They were empty. I also thank you very much for the two kisses when you whispered to me: - Goodbye, my Friend, goodbye…

I hope to meet you again, my Beauty…


  The mother prepares dinner for her children.
– Honey, you watch TV a lot. Please, sit down at the table near your sister. She is eating already.
– I don’t want to! Prepare me fish cooked in Spanish wine!
– My dear son, you wanted the same dish that your sister is eating.
– Sister, bring me apples and honey!
– My brother, where is the magic word: “PLEASE”?
– I don’t care. A man must command!
– My brother, politeness shows manliness. Our father is very polite. Do you hear how politely our father talks with our mother? They love each other like doves.
– My sister, I want to sit down near you. Please, I would like to eat what you are eating.
  July 4, 2016
New York City

  The Criminal Cat  
  For the barbecue we prepared a year–old lamb, onions, various vegetables, red wine, and spices. We put everything separately on the kitchen table.
   The guests arrived. We met them in the garden. We greeted each other with Independence Day.
    The children went to the kitchen to bring out the products for the barbecue. All products were laid on the table. But where was the tender meat?
    “There it was! The big cat got stuck in the window leaf!
    The grumpy cat had smelled the delicious meat. It climbed in through a narrow window leaf. The burglar ate all the meat! Then that villain tried climbing out through the same window leaf but got stuck with a belly full of meat!
    The middle daughter led an investigation: “We want to place a strict judgment on that thief!” – said the eldest son as the prosecutor.
    “Could the cat be pregnant? No! It was holding a piece of meat in its mouth!” – said the youngest son as the policeman.
    “That voracious cat stole our delicacy!” – cried out the youngest daughter as the judge.
    “Greed ruined it!” – said the guests’ son as the lawyer. “I will put on gloves to get the cat back in!” – he said timidly as the defense.
    “The thief has huge claws and evil eyes!” said the twins as the jurors. They pulled the cat in by its bushy tail and suddenly fell backwards to the floor! Then the villainous cat fell over the judge! The twin’s eyes turned big and green from fear!
    “Stop thief! - screamed and laughed the brave girl through her tears. The yummy - yummy meat had run away…

  July 2016
New York City

  My “Little” Stress  
  My daughter and I went to the circus. I bought her a large ice cream in a café. Our seats were in the first row near the circus arena. All spectators welcomed the clowns, acrobats, gymnasts, dogs, monkeys…
                    Everyone had great fun…
    In the arena, the elephants were walking in a circle. Each elephant held the tail of the next elephant with his trunk.
    My daughter gave me the ice cream: - Hold it, please…
    I looked at the arena. Suddenly, a huge elephant started running right at me! His big ears were slapping his face! His eyes were terrible! His heavy legs scattered the sand… His trunk made sounds like an old steamer! The elephant might crush me! His sharp fangs could pierce my body! I was numb from stress. I could not budge… I was perspiring very much…
    Then the elephant stood in front of me! He grabbed the ice cream with his trunk and put it in his mouth. He shook his head and his trunk made a very loud sound: - Thank you!
                    All people applauded!
My daughter applauded and laughed. And how she laughed! I also laughed hysterically! My stress started to go down – slowly, slowly…

  February 2017
New York City